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Posted On: 19-02-2024

Feeling Left Behind

Last week was an eventful week the Kenyan Financial markets some of the key happenings include:

  1. 10.7% appreciation of the Kenya shilling
  2. Government raised Kshs. 1.5 bn in the Eurobond
  3. Rating agencies ie Moddy’s and S & P maintained a negative outlook on the country
  4. The Government issued an infrastructure bond that was highly subscribed
  5. The 91-day Treasury bill is now at close to 17%

As an investor one can ask if the boat has sailed having lost an investment opportunity by either not having exited the currency position they held or not having invested in the infrastructure bond. This reminds me of Richard Branson quote “Business opportunities are like Buses, there is always another one coming” but we must be prepared to take advantage of them because as William Ward said- Opportunities are like Sunrises, if you wait too long you miss them.

So what could we do be prepared and take advantage of the next opportunities as they unfold:

  1. Gather knowledge so that you know what to expect and how to work on it
  2. Take action and do the necessarily eg want to invest in a government security open the CDS account
  3. Have the cash ready to invest
  4. Ask for help if you need.

We at have you covered on all the above. We have good trainings that you can take advantage of, we have tools to aid your wealth creation journey and we shall keep you on check as your accountability partner. Contact us via or Call 0759092412 Email: